Monday, December 17, 2012

Tests and the End of the World

Hey, I'm Logan, another contributor to this AWESOME blog. I am the same Logan from Dead Battery Studios, go check it out. <--- don't :P

Anyways, we all have finals for the next two days. I really don't understand the point of these tests. Ohhh, see I think they are fine, cuz ya know some of us don't studying and pass:P lucky ussss!!Throughout the year, we learn large amounts of knowledge( you spelled that wrong)  most of it irrelevant (helllo fanciness!!) Oh gosh I just clicked a random button!! utoh! to our futures. But to ask us to remember something we did the first week of school? Rediculous. Most kids get stressed anyways over these tests, which for us is 20% of our grade. If teachers wanted to know if we learned something or not, they should look at our grades from the whole semester, not this one test.

Of course, we are going to do fine anyways, so why am I so stressed about it?

I dunno.

And everyone saying how the world is going to end. Seriously? People thought the world would end in October 2011, and look what happened then.
So all of this stuff about "Buy supplies to prepare" and "Give us your money to protect"(no joke I got an email about this) are lies!
edited officially by the awesomest person! Love ya!- Taylor


  1. Logan! Don't cuss! Entertain more and stop sponsoring yourself on my website!BE INTERESTING! C'mon now!Also I agree about the end of the world stuff, I think it is quite funny, considering the fact that we are supposed to buy supplies if we are all going to die! Also, it will be interesting to see some of the stunts people that believe will pull..

    1. Taylor, your editing makes everything better! :) And by the way, PANDAS ARE AWESOME!!!

  2. Well, Logan, I have something to say about the final exams. If we don't remember what we learned in school throughout the entire year (especially in math), what's the point in going to school? I can understand that it can be quite stressful, but if one is fully prepared, what is there to worry about? It is the student who is at fault if they cannot recall something that has been taught prior to the exam.

  3. Oh, and one more thing, math is an essential part of our lives and even the so called "complex" math that we are currently learning, might be imperative for some of us in the future. Just sayin...

  4. Oh and I just wanted to say that this is an awesome website :D.

  5. I wish this was like FaceBook where I can like things later.. If if its 3 years later! YOLO!Yah I can say YOLO because that was cool in 2012!
